Sky’s the Limit is proud to announce our launch in the United Kingdom is proud to announce our launch in the UK this week. We’re a global team, with a global mission, and a digital platform and community. Our vision is a world where every entrepreneur has the same opportunity to achieve their full potential. To that end, our mission is to build a global community where all entrepreneurs and their allies can build meaningful relationships and grow together. Our official launch in another country is a big step forward toward our vision.
Entrepreneurial talent and ambition is everywhere, but opportunity is not. To build a thriving global economy, we all need to urgently address this opportunity gap – 60% of new jobs come from startups, but only half as many new businesses are starting. Diverse young entrepreneurs cite lack of role models and know-how as top obstacles to starting a business.
Knowing this, prioritizes our free business mentoring, training, and access to funding services for underrepresented young entrepreneurs, who face disproportionate challenges in pursuing business ownership. Over 90% of Sky’s the Limit entrepreneurs are in their twenties, 70% are women, 61% are Black, and over 85% report low-income at the time they join our community.’s model was relevant and in-demand prior to COVID-19, but the recession, unemployment, and the greatest social awakening since the Civil Rights movement have brought sharply into focus our immediate need to inspire and support diverse young business owners who are disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and systemic racism globally. Who we serve and how – through our virtual service delivery model – make’s work more important than ever. - UK builds upon nearly a decade of international work focused on supporting underrepresented young adult entrepreneurs across the globe. UK-based young entrepreneurs have already begun to organically sign up for Sky’s the Limit’s services – we see a real opportunity to formally launch our platform in the UK. Additionally, we have strong sources of potential volunteers in London and beyond with our existing global partners: Accenture, Goldman Sachs, and CVC Capital. With demand from both entrepreneurs and volunteers, plus the bulk of the digital platform already developed, - UK can efficiently and quickly begin operations. In the first year, we aim to train 1,000 entrepreneurs, provide mentoring and advising to 200, provide startup grants to 20, and launch or grow 50 businesses.
We have engaged thousands of professionals from our corporate partners in virtual, skills-based volunteering roles that build more inclusive workplaces and communities. We’ve helped underrepresented young founders practice entrepreneurship, form thousands of impactful relationships, create hundreds of businesses and jobs, generate millions in revenue, and successfully chase their business dreams. We’re excited to build on our early wins as we seek to replicate and deepen our impact in the UK and beyond. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports young entrepreneurs ages 18 to 29 from underrepresented communities.